Wednesday 20 August 2008


Adopted from Mark Powel’s Book: Presenting in English

a.How to Start and Make an Immediate Impact on Your Audience

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
(On behalf of…, may I welcome you to…)
My name’s …
I’m responsible for/I’m from …
This afternoon I’d like to…
and present…
If you have any questions you’d like to ask, I’ll be happy to answer them.
Perhaps we can leave any questions you may have until the end of the presentation.

Use ‘hooks’ – simple techniques for getting the immediate attention of the audience:
(1) give them a problem to think about
Imagine …………Do you think that’s possible?
(2) give them some amazing facts
Statistics show that ………………………
(3) give them a story or personal anecdote
I remember when …………………………

Look at the presentation openings below and identify them as Problems, Amazing Facts or Stories
1.Did you know how much do Japanese companies spend on entertaining clients in a year? It’s 40 billion dollars. That’s four times than the entire GDP of Bulgaria. You could buy General Motors for the same money.
2.Suppose your advertising budget was cut by 99% tomorrow. How would you promote your product?
3.According to the latest study, by 2050 only one in every four people in Western Europe will be going to work. And two will be old age pensioners.
4.I read in the newspaper that the world’s highest paid executive works for Disney and gets $230 million a year. Now that’s about $2000 a minute!
5.When I think about creativity, I’m reminded of the man who invented the microwave oven. He spent years messing around with radar transmitters, then notived the chocolate in his pocket was starting to melt.

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