Sunday 24 August 2008


幻灯片 14
How to Deal with Questions
Four Basic Types of Questions:
1. Good questions:
Thank the people for asking them. They help you to get your message cross to the audience better.
2. Difficult questions:
These are the ones you can’t or prefer not to answer. Say you don’t know, offer to find out or ask the questioners what they think.
3. Unnecessary questions:
You have already given this information.
Point this out, answer briefly again and move on.
4. Irrelevant questions:
Try not to sound rude, but move on.

幻灯片 15
1. Good point.
2. Well, as I mentioned earlier,
3. Interesting. What do you think?
4. I’m afraid I don’t have that information with me.
5. To be honest, I think that raises a different issue

幻灯片 14

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